Cutting-edge technology to maximise industrial production


We are always looking for cutting-edge technologies to optimise industrial processes and maximise the efficiency and automation of CNC machine tools.
In line with this philosophy, we have integrated our RoboFeed A20 Custom
with a station dedicated to workpiece orientation control using the COGNEX 2800 IN-SIGHT vision system.

COGNEX 2800 IN-SIGHT 2D Vision Technology

The IN-SIGHT 2800 system features state-of-the-art 2D vision technology that combines artificial intelligence (AI) with traditional rule-based vision to solve a wide range of applications. 

The COGNEX 2D vision system is an advanced imaging solution designed to revolutionise quality control in industrial processes. This cutting-edge technology uses two-dimensional image acquisition to inspect, evaluate and improve the accuracy and reliability of manufacturing processes.

Perfect integration into our RoboFeed for enhanced production efficiency

Integrating this vision system with our Robofeed A20 Custom allows checking the correct orientation of the part before it is fed into the machine tool.
This significantly improves the production cycle, reducing machine downtime and positioning problems in the clamping tools.

Azzali Elettronica, experts in industrial-grade vision systems and official partners of Cognex, have contributed to developing the solution and programming the vision system.

3D Stazione di Visione 2D INSIGHT-2800
per RoboFeed A20 Custom
Visione 2D INSIGHT-2800 COGNEX


Features of 2800
IN-SIGHT 2D Vision

Greater Precision with
HDR Technology

La tecnologia High Dynamic Range (HDR) sfrutta sensori d’immagine capaci di catturare dettagli a un livello eccezionalmente 16 volte superiore rispetto a quelli dei sensori tradizionali. Questo avanzamento innalza notevolmente la qualità e l’intensità dei contrasti nelle immagini, consentendo ispezioni più precise e la rilevazione persino dei difetti più impercettibili.
L’HDR elimina la sovraesposizione e la sottoesposizione, offrendo un’ampia profondità di campo rispetto ai sensori d’immagine convenzionali. Inoltre, riduce i tempi di esposizione, consentendo di adattarsi a velocità di scansionamento più elevate.

Per conoscere maggiori dettagli inerenti alla
Visione 2D COGNEX IN-SIGHT 2800